Although Apple, Inc., may not have been the first company to come out with an e-reader, they will certainly be the one with the best product. I’m not just saying this because I am big Apple® product fan.
I’ve been waiting for the release of the iPad for months. Now that it is finally here, I’m ready to tell you all about it.
After months of speculation, Apple® finally unveiled the iPad in late January. Although there have been mixed reviews about the product since it launch on April 3. Many critics have said it is just a giant version of the iPhone. But the iPad is so much more than an iPhone.
The iPad is meant for people who do not have an iPhone, but want a computer at their fingertips. From my viewpoint, if you do not have a laptop or do not want to carry around your laptop, this is the perfect solution. From creating presentations to surfing the Web, there are endless possibilities for using this device.
The iPad has many features that are well-worth mentioning. With up to 10 hours of battery life, the iPad is perfect for trips. If you don’t plan on buying AT&T’s wireless, the iPad also has built-in wireless capabilities so you can pick up the fastest Wi-Fi networks.
One of the best features is the built-in speakers and microphone. This will allow you Skype™ with family and friends, virtually allowing you to turn your iPad into a phone.
As much as I love the iPad, there are a few downsides. There is no USB port to connect your camera or a jump drive. One other feature that I expected to be put on the iPad was a camera. Apple® can manage to put a camera on an iPhone, but why not the iPad? I must say that was quite disappointing.
Overall, the iPad is another great addition to the Apple® family. However, if you want my advice, I would wait to purchase this device until the fall when it runs the new iPhone OS 4 operating system.
Click here to read Annarely Rodriguez’s article on the HP Slate.