How to Avoid the Dreaded Freshman 15

For many college students when it comes to food, convenience is king. Instead of exploring the different options of a balanced diet it is often fast food, rather than a healthy salad, that attracts the average student. The importance of nutrition is often encouraged among students because a healthy diet is crucial when it comes to studying, and test taking. Taking that dreaded final or preparing for a big presentation may become easier with the help of a balanced diet.

Getting Help When You Need It

If MLA, APA, and Chicago bring to mind anything other than writing styles and professional associations, then you might be in trouble.

That’s where the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences’ Office of Academic Services comes in. Located in the Parker Building, Suite 100, the office offers a variety of free services — ranging from 45-minute individual tutoring sessions to online information on graduate exams — to undergraduates.

Parking 101

For the nearly 1,500 students who live on campus, worrying about gas, unexpected flat tires, and other unforeseen parking woes is not a problem. However, for the commuter students, those issues, particularly parking, can transform a smooth morning into a honking-coffee-spilling-I-had-my-blinker-on-and-claimed-this-spot-already-so-keep-looking, tornado of a morning.