Put the “spring” back in spring cleaning

“Spring cleaning” is a physical cleansing of your life. By this time of year, it is common for our cars, our bedrooms and our attics to need a quick de-cluttering. But physical spaces aren’t the only things that need organizing every year. This spring, when you aren’t cleaning out your living space, tidy up other areas that affect your daily living.

1. Organize your budget. Create a budget that allows you to live within the means of your income and establish some savings at the same time. Savings might be useful in paying off your student loans, buying a new car or home, or even traveling. A little extra cash in the bank always helps.

2. Purge your computer. Begin this quick process by organizing your desktop. Take all those documents and photos and place them into one folder. Then, address your computer’s inner workings. Defragment your hard drive. Clean out your trash. Run updates. Create new disk space, and delete or store unneeded documents.

3. Refresh your online image. Update your Facebook (or other social networking sites) profile picture and personal information. Upload more photos and create a new photo album. Write a new blog post. Change the visual themes of your email inboxes and your desktop. After all, you don’t want your profile page to feel neglected.

4. Add to your resume. This semester’s experiences may belong on your resume as well. Add them so that you can begin searching for summer employment and start saving.

5. Tune up your vehicle. Are your cup holders filled with gum wrappers and expired parking permits? Get rid of them. Also, while you are catching up on necessary but forgotten tasks, take your car for an oil change, windshield wiper replacement and battery check-up. Keep your car running smoothly, and learn new ways to conserve gas before the summer gas spike.

6. Clean up your personal life. While you are cleaning up your life, consider the following ways to tackle issues in your personal life. Pick one bad habit and determine to stop. Forgive others and relieve yourself of burdensome grudges. Call your parents just to say hello. Reconnect with a friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Don’t get so busy this season that you forget to do these quick maintenance tasks. Keep your life organized and don’t stop halfway with your spring cleaning.

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