The 2013-2014 Undergraduate Student Government Association’s election opened on April 8 and closed on April 10 with only one party running for office, The Shark Initiative Party.
Over 580 undergraduate students voted and on April 11, SGA announced the results during the election results party at the Don Taft University Center’s Flight Deck. Students gathered to congratulate the new President Daniel Brookins, junior double major in legal studies and philosophy.
Brookins said, “Students can expect more Shark Pride on campus. You can expect a revolutionized organization funding system. And you can expect to have a better experience the next time you walk into financial aid or academic advising offices.”
With 27 new members in next year’s SGA, Brookins is looking for- ward to getting a chance to work on his party’s four initiatives: increasing shark pride, revolutionizing organizational funding, improving financial aid and academic advising.
“I’m very serious about accomplishing these initiatives,” Brookins said.
Kelly Scott, sophomore athletic training major who was elected Vice President of Judicial Affairs, said, “Students can look forward to a bigger and better Water Works, a more ‘Sharkifi-ed’campus and community, and major improvements in NSU’s financial aid and academic advising departments. I am beyond excited to become the new VPJ of SGA next year and ready to work hard to benefit all undergraduate students.”
Because the election was uncontested, the Office of Student Activities did not conduct interviews, but did review the Shark Initiative Party’s platform and public relations materials.
Andrea Kovachy, director of student activities, said, “I am confident The Shark Initiative ticket will represent their constituents well. The members of the ticket have served on SGA and really advocate for undergraduate students. I am pleased the Shark Initiative Party still campaigned and shared their vision with their constituents. I believe they will do wonderful things for the students this coming year.”
The new SGA members will begin their term the first week of May.
Anyone interested in getting involved with SGA, can attend its weekly meetings, Wednesdays at 3 p.m. in room 200 of the Rosenthal Student Center.
Brookins said, “I would like to thank all students for their support. If it weren’t for them, the Shark Initiative would not exist. It’s an incredible honor and great responsibility that I’m looking forward to.”