Must-watch British television series

People don’t watch British TV shows soley because the actors have suave accents — okay, maybe that’s partially the reason. But the truth is, British television shows seem to have the perfect combination of elegance, plot and comedic relief that people gravitate toward when deciding how to invest their TV time; and that’s particularly important […]

The “Rush” of a lifetime

The engine is running, the intensity is building, and I can feel my heart racing in anticipation of who will be number one. “Rush” is the kind of movie the audience goes to for the action and stays for because it’s that good. Ron Howard directed this 1970s action-drama based on the true story of […]

A safer way to sell sex

It is one of the biggest industries in the world but also the quietest. Prostitution is a successful global enterprise. While I do not aspire to be a prostitute, I have an open-minded attitude about it. I view prostitution as a business with no morals or religion attached, but most people do not view this […]

Real food is better food

Everyone knows that many college students don’t have money to spare while struggling to put themselves through school. Sometimes, we depend on free food at events. We love when we don’t have to pay for lunch or a quick snack, and NSU knows it. We sometimes eat whatever we can get, so it’s almost cruel […]

Proposed hospital will benefit everyone

President Hanbury made a huge announcement to the NSU community last Monday: if everything goes as planned, our main campus will become home to a 100-bed hospital, which will serve as a teaching and research facility for the NSU community. Pre-med, physician assistant, nursing and medical students all over campus are probably excited at the […]

County governments defy Rick Scott

Republicans at all levels of government have been attempting to thwart the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, since it was passed into law on March 23, 2010. The House of Representatives has voted 42 times to repeal Obamacare since they took control of the majority in 2011. Twenty-six states, all controlled […]