Incoming SGA outlines its vision

The Undergraduate Student Government Association’s newly elected President Kelly Scott, junior athletic training major, is busy making plans for improving the NSU experience with her officers, mostly members of The Lego Party, which beat out the emPower Party.

Nothing to Marvel about “Captain America”

Leave it to the “Captain America” movies to encapsulate a huge government conspiracy that is so large it controls history itself. This really should have been more predictable than it was, and yet, I found myself surprised by the magnitude of the conspiracy. Not surprised enough to remain interested, but enough to get angry at how insipid this plot […]

Growing in the 70s and 80s

This the third part of a series exploring NSU’s history. Part four in this series will explore the establishment of NSU’s student life, the merger with Southeastern University and what the future holds for the university. Look for it in the April 22 issue. Surmounting money problems NSU has grown tremendously but that growth was […]

Punished for a good deed

Sometimes, a good deed goes unpunished — but not this time. Last month, Caprock Academy, a public charter school in Colorado, suspended Kamryn Renfro for violating the school policy for shaving her head in support of her classmate and friend, Delaney Clements, who is undergoing chemotherapy. The school said Renfro wasn’t allowed to return until […]

Printing Disasters

Imagine being able to simply walk up to your printer and press a “pizza” button instead of going through the hassle of cooking,. I didn’t think such a luxury was possible until I learned about the astonishing work of 3-D printers. The “Foodini,” a 3-D printer in development that makes food, is just one of […]

Your body is not a mirror to your soul

Last week, E! News tweeted a picture of Amanda Bynes tanning poolside in a bikini. Immediately afterward, hundreds of tweeters responded with essentially the same comment: “Wow, she looks great! I’m glad to see she’s doing better.” It’s great that Bynes is being showered with compliments and well wishes while she is undergoing some serious […]

The fine boys of Vine

All it takes is six seconds to become a viral sensation. Vine, a video-sharing app, allows users to take six-second videos of their daily lives. Each short video plays in a continuous loop on the Vine website or app. Thanks to Vine, a group of boys known as the “MAGCON Boys” have transformed into celebrities. […]