Shark Speak: February 17, 2015

How do you feel about the fall semester’s increase in meal plan prices in Leo Goodwin and The Commons halls and the mandatory $200 meal plan for the Farquhar, Founders, Vettel and Cultural Living Center halls?

“For the students in the apartments, it shouldn’t be forced on them because they have kitchens; you can cook your own food. In Commons, you don’t have a kitchen, so students should have a meal plan.”

Shannon Alivio, sophomore biology major


“It’s unnecessary. They don’t give that money back at the end of the school year. I feel like that leftover money should go to books or something. If you have extra money, when you go to the bookstore you should be able to buy stuff there.”

Kirin Kaur, sophomore biology major


“They already give us so much money. I had so much money roll over to this semester. So I’ve been buying a bunch of stuff to waste the money.”

Kristina Narvaez, freshman psychology major


“I don’t think they give us enough food for our money. If you figure it out, it’s $10 a day. One meal itself is like $10, so I don’t get how you’re going to eat one meal a day, only to increase it over some new food options. At my old school, the meal plan was an all-you-can-eat buffet, and the price was about the same as it is here. And if I have my own kitchen, the meal plan is kind of a waste.”

Kyle Dansereau, sophomore biology major


“I think that the mandatory increase is good for people who are residential, but in the apartments, I know that I cook for myself, so I don’t think it should be mandatory.”

Dominic Crici, junior exercise and sports science major


“I don’t think that there should be a mandatory meal plan for the apartments. The main reason people move into the apartments is so that they can cook their own food. I feel like they should try to work on decreasing the prices of the food, but then again, I know we have a problem with quality food. The majority of the time, students run out of money with their meal plan, so they’re spending a good amount of money anyway. I’d like to see what kind of changes their making with the actual food.”

Nadia Siddiqi, freshman biology major


“I feel like the mandatory meal plan in the apartments is not that bad; it’s only $200 per semester. It’s not as much as in Goodwin or The Commons. They’re already raising the price of housing, so they could have used that to cover whatever they’re paying by increasing the meal plan price. While it’s not that bad, the mandatory meal plan in the apartments doesn’t make sense because there’s a kitchen, so what’s the point?”

Darren Hendricks, junior communication studies major

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