Shark Speak for October 6, 2015


How do you cope with the stress of midterms?


“For midterms, I like to plan out what I need to study. Reviewing with my classmates is always a great help. If feel stressed, I go to Chipotle or Whole Foods with my friends.”

Danielle Zarfati, senior political science major


“I like to make a clear outline and create a detailed schedule to review the material. Listening to music helps calm me down if I start to feel overwhelmed.”

Alina Palmer, senior political science major


“If I’m feeling stressed during midterms, I take a break and go on Netflix. That definitely helps me de-stress.”

Brandon Stewart, junior legal studies major


“To be honest, I do not cope well with midterms, I usually just drink a lot of coffee, so I can power through my exams. Call it “coffee-coping,” if you like.”

Erika Cordovi, senior legal studies major


“This might be weird, but when I’m stressed I like to read black history, because I find it soothing.”

JoVonte Woods, senior criminal justice major


“During midterms, I go to Starbucks a lot to cope with stress, and if that does not work, I eat a cookie or go play basketball.”

Mavrick Powell, freshman biology major


“I make sure that I do not wait until the last minute to study, and if I get overwhelmed, to relieve stress, I go to a party or head to the beach.”

Darren Richard, sophomore business administration major

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