What do you look forward to most during the holiday season?
“I look forward to all of decorations on campus, like the characters on the dorm doors.”
Kristi Jaravelil, sophomore biology major
“I really look forward to spending quality time with my friends and creating new traditions.”
Morgan Kiloh, sophomore finance major
“[Starbuck’s] holiday featured drinks make me so happy, and they really get me in the holiday spirit.”
Nadia Siddiq, sophomore biology major
“I look forward to the decorations during Christmas. It really creates a jolly mood, and I just feel surrounded by good vibes and happiness. The holiday season really makes you want to smile and be happy. I even tend to spend more time in the UC.”
Mohammad Farraj, junior biology major
“I look forward to all of the holiday activities at NSU; last year, they decorated and threw snow throughout the UC.”
Carolina Ruiz, sophomore speech pathology major