How to stay up-to-date on current events

College is the ultimate twilight zone. A student’s workload and the struggle to maintain sanity overshadow almost everything that happens outside of the classroom. While it’s easy for current affairs and news to fall to the wayside, it’s still important to have some a general idea of what’s going on in the world.

While Facebook and other social media outlets may bombard your timelines with news and current events, sometimes they lack validity and are misleading. In the event you want to leave your twilight zone, here are a few pointers on how to keep up with news and events.

Staying current with The Current

The NSU newspaper is one of the best ways to know what’s going on around the world. If you’re someone who hates sifting through countless news articles, just turn to page two of the Current where the staff summarizes important international news under a section called News Anchor. If you can’t find a hard copy of the paper, you can always go online at to read the latest issue and catch up on some current events.

There’s an app for that, too

The Newsbeat app, free and available for both Android and Apple users, is a fun and convenient app that college students can use to stay informed about current events. After downloading the app, simply choose the topics that interest you the most, and the app will display the most current news for each section.

But here’s what separates this app from its competitors: it has a narrator that will read the article like a real-life news anchor. It doesn’t sound electronic, and there are even musical interludes before it reads each article. The narrator reads the summary of each story, and, if you want to hear more, at the end of each article, there is a link to the full online publication.

Each narration is about two to three minutes long, and the voices vary for each story so you won’t get bored of hearing the same monotonous voice repeatedly. Furthermore, the news and current events on the site are accurate, as they coincide with the news published on reputable websites, such as CNN and BBC. So, the next time you have a break between classes, you can pop in your earphones and catch up with what’s going on in the world.

They now make it short and “snappy”

Major news outlets like CNN now have Snapchat accounts and are sharing their stories. While some college students may whine about being strapped for time, there always seem to be time for social media, especially trendy ones such as Snapchat.

CNN, The Daily Mail and a few other media outlets have outpaced their competitors by sinking their teeth into the new social media app. According to, 77 percent of college students use Snapchat every day, so the next time you find yourself idling on the app, simply wander over to CNN’s account and view a story or two about what’s going on the world.

No one wants to be that student who becomes so consumed by college that he or she sounds like an oblivious, self-centered college student when he or she tries to socialize with friends and family. So save yourself, and stay current with current events.

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