411: Oscar edition

Robin Moore, blogger and reporter of all things controversial, has another heavy-hitting topic on her blog “411” addressing the absence of blacks in the 2016 Academy Award nominations and how the creators of the Oscars attempted and failed to address the situation. You heard it here first. Instead of ABC, this year’s Oscars awards show […]

Disney stars gone rogue: It’s not that serious

Shia LaBeouf is an alleged drunk, Stacy Ferguson is busy being “Fergalicious,” Christina Aguilera forgot the National Anthem, Demi Lovato went to rehab, Vanessa Hudgens is queen of the nudes, Hannah Montana is swinging from wrecking balls, and Raven Symone has lost her marbles. By now, it’s obvious these people are former Disney stars. As […]

Seriously Kidding: Yay to Valentine’s Day

For many years, I was against Valentine’s Day. I thought it was overrated, overhyped and overly corny. Every year, as February rolled around, I dreaded the day. Huge teddy bears made me sick, chocolate made me fat, and roses seemed pointless. As the years passed by, my dislike for Valentine’s Day only grew more. It […]

Write or wrong

I avoid commenting on Facebook posts because, sometimes, having a conversation with some strangers on Facebook is like trying to play chess with a pigeon, especially if the pigeon knocks all the pieces over, craps on the board and then insists it’s won. Recently, on a Facebook page dedicated to sharing the best and funniest […]

I am not nothing

Since the beginning of time, society has looked down on women and viewed them as vulnerable, weak and submissive creatures who are dependent on men just to survive. As it is portrayed in films, shows, music and ads, women are almost a human subspecies. From a young age, we are taught that our main goal […]

Shark Speak for February 2, 2016

On weekends, the Shark Shuttle takes students to several locations off-campus. Where else would you like it to go?   “Because there are a lot of international students here on campus or students who like to travel in general, I think the shuttle should take us to the airport.” Nicole Suarez, sophomore athletic training major […]