Athlete of the Week: Katey Blummer

Like most athletes, Katey Blummer had no idea that she’d end up playing at the collegiate level when she began playing sports at a young age. She tried a number of different sports before she finally found her knack for softball. Growing up in a family of athletes, Blummer was exposed to sports at a […]

Staff Picks: Treat yo’self

Surviving midterms week is a huge accomplishment. After cramming up to six classes worth of material to prepare for a marathon of papers, projects and tests, you deserve a treat. Indulge in that tasty but fattening meal that you reserve exclusively for special occasions to congratulate yourself and celebrate the halfway mark of the semester. […]

Why having faith is more important than religion

Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Paganism, Sikhism, Taoism. We’ve heard about all of these different religions with all of their different beliefs, rules and structures. Depending on where we grew up and who raised us, we learn to follow one of the paths to achieve a certain greatness. For some people, committing to a religion is […]

An opinion on opinion

Unless you are part of a certain group, you’re not allowed to have an opinion on the issues affecting that group. If you’re not a member of a certain race, you can’t have an opinion on issues affecting that race, if you’re not of a certain gender or sexual orientation, you can’t have an opinion […]

Relationships are hard enough

In this day and age, many people live together long before getting hitched. Fortune Magazine published an article to inform people of the rights they are not entitled to as a partner in a non-documented relationship. But the lack of documented proof of legal unity should not hinder a cohabitating couple’s ability to have the […]