Finding Fitness: Yoga


For the past few weeks, I’ve attended Marilyn Gordon’s 6:15 a.m. Zenergy Yoga class in the RecPlex on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed it. Since yoga relaxes and stretches different muscles more than typical workouts, it is often highly recommended for various health ailments. My doctors have recommended yoga and Pilates for my multiple back injuries for years, but due to the cumulative cost of yoga sessions and a gym membership, I have not been able to start this routine until recently. Since RecPlex classes are covered under student fees, there was no good reason not to take up yoga as part of my routine.

Gordon’s classes are very relaxed. She incorporates a gentle progression from an easy stretch to trickier poses in the middle of the session. As students, it has become so engrained into our minds that we need to be constantly thinking about what we have to do that day, and yoga is a great way to simply slow down and focus on your body and breathing. In fact, as you move into the trickier poses, you may even forget to breathe.

Gordon herself is a very caring individual. She is genuinely concerned for your health and well-being. She tells everyone at the beginning of the class not to be afraid to stop and take a break or get some water if the poses prove too difficult. I can’t tell you how many times she has come up to me after the class to make sure I was okay, after taking breaks due to my back or for any other reason.

There is always a wide range of people in the class, so don’t worry about sticking out. Also, since yoga mats are provided, the only thing you need to worry about bringing is your Sharkcard and water. Yoga is overall a great activity to make into a habit. If the early hours are simply too early, there are other yoga classes available in the afternoons.

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