Krystal Lloyd, freshman biology major
“My academic goals are to get a 4.0 GPA and be eligible to take all of my science courses, so I can be on the right track to go to medical school on time. Medical school requires a 4.0 all the time, and I got a 3.7 last semester, so I always want to upgrade.”
Malique Elder, junior business marketing major
“To stay above a 2.0 average. Just to get by, basically. I guess, academically, just to stay eligible. As far as making connections, I’m a business major, so getting to know people and interacting with all different types of people is my main focus. I do a lot of music, so my [goal] is just to get to know anyone who’s creative and try to help them in my ventures and form my own.”
Kaylin Huitsing, sophomore behavioral neuroscience major
“To get on the dean’s list…which is a 3.8 [GPA] or above. It looks good for medical school. High GPAs for medical school are always good.”
Tory Toole, third year clinical psychology student
“My academic goals for the year are to finish my final two classes for the program, to finish my first year of seeing clients at my practicum site and hopefully have at least two book chapters in a psycho-neuro immunology textbook.”
Murielle Cayemitte, sophomore biology major
“I want to practice better study habits, practice better time management and avoid procrastinating. This year, I’d like to be more confident in myself and remember to stop comparing myself to others.”
Treycy Romeus, undecided freshman major
“Keeping a planner is something that would help to keep my schedule from becoming disorganized, so I want to avoid being stressed. I also want to eat healthier and get fit.”