Sharkspeak: How well does the NSU administration relate to the student body?

Erin Blackwell

Erin Blackwell

Junior speech and language pathology major

“I mean I haven’t had a problem. I think they do a great job. It’s only my second semester here, but I know through athletics that they’re very involved. We see them all the time at games and at meets. I’ve talked to them, and they come to our track and field meetings.”


Kaylin Huitsing

Sophomore behavioral neuroscience major

“I feel like they treat me like an equal, so they relate really well on a personal level. It’s really nice because I feel like I can collaborate with them and feel like I’m actually doing something with my life. But I do feel like, as a neuroscience major, they need more representation of professors in that field. It’s really hard to make connections in my field, so I just feel like, in terms of the neuroscience department, there should just be more representation.”


Karicia Florestal

Junior biology major

“I feel like it’s so-so because sometimes it feels like they’re trying a little too hard. It’s almost like when your mom joins Facebook or something. They try to relate to you and they don’t know half the jokes that they’re telling. The banners they have in the UC? Some of those banners [make me think], ‘No.’”

Christopher Ramirez

Christopher Ramirez

Senior legal studies major

“As far as interacting with students, there’s a portion of the administrative body that is extremely helpful and wonderful to work with. They’re always there to help the students. There’s also the other half of the administrative body that is not particularly helpful to the students and not particularly helpful to the departments that they are a part of just because of the nature of their work. It’s kind of a mixed bag. It could be better in some respects, but for those [helpful] administrators, I’d like to say thank you.”

Kenzie Forgie

Kenzie Forgie

Sophomore marine biology major

“I feel like they try but they don’t really. There’s a lot of things, like we hate the food and nobody ever does anything about it. Sometimes the teachers are really mean and nobody does anything about it.”

Kinley Diaz

Kinley Diaz

Junior biology major

“The NSU administration relates to the student body really well, as they try to find a way that relates to the students. [They] make a way so that they can communicate efficiently, like sending emails and try to reach out in a friendly kind of way.”

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