QEP to focus on improving student writing

In January 2018, NSU will be launching “Write from the Start,” its Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that is part of the reaccreditation process for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The focus of the QEP is to improve student writing at all levels. The QEP team hopes to improve writing […]

Avoiding exercise and diet fads

By: Monique Cole The weight loss industry is a billion dollar business, according to ABC, that makes its money from various fitness products, diet supplements, meal plans and anything that can have a weight loss label slapped on it. Sometimes so many options can put an individual at risk by not knowing how to lose […]

Athlete of the Week: Blake Woodrow

By: Jeweliana Register Blake Woodrow, junior psychology major and member of the men’s swim team, has been swimming since the first grade. Woodrow is a distance swimmer and has attended nationals for the past three years. He expressed how happy he is that the team is doing so well this year and how great it […]

How to handle tough feedback and respond to challenges

By Emilio Lorenzo and Emily Tasca Emilio Lorenzo is the assistant director of career advisement in NSU’s Office of Career Development. He understands the importance of helping students reach their career goals and works with all students, including undergraduate, graduate and professional level students, to achieve their professional goals. Emily Tasca is a member of […]

Legal or illegal, graffiti is art

By: Bianca Galan Graffiti is everywhere. You can’t walk the streets of New York without finding a few works of graffiti on the buildings or construction walls. You can’t walk through Wynwood without finding graffiti everywhere. Graffiti is the spray painting of drawings or writing of words in different styles and forms, but we often […]

Internships? More like win-ternships

By: Aidan Rivas I’ve heard claims that internships take advantage  of college students, the same students who famously struggle financially and are often attributed as either incredibly hardworking or unfavorably lazy. College students are likely to complete internships, either as a requirement for their majors or as a career supplement . While some internships may not […]

NSU talks the talk at 6th TEDxNSU

NSU is set to host their 6th annual TEDxNSU event on March 18 at 12 p.m. in the Performance Theatre in the Don Taft University Center. TEDxNSU features an array of 10 minute speeches, or TED talks, from students and faculty. TED is a non-profit organization whose mission is to spread ideas worth sharing. This […]