Don’t be THAT person: Airplane etiquette

Not many people are fond of airplanes. Having to sit in a small seat next to strangers is not how most people want to spend their time. However, spending this time sitting next to people who are completely inconsiderate makes this experience ten times worse. If you follow these simple rules of etiquette you can make your airplane experience better for yourself and the strangers forced to sit next to you.  

Nobody wants to sit next to a person who decides thirty minutes into the plane ride to take their shoes or socks off. Taking your these off in an airplane is rude, inconsiderate and can make everyone around you really grossed out. Nobody wants to see or smell your feet. If you haven’t noticed already, the windows in an airplane aren’t like the windows in a car, you can’t just roll them down to get the nasty smell of feet out of the air. It is not a difficult task to keep your shoes or socks on and I guarantee you are going to have smooth sailing ahead if you keep your feet covered.  

It is common courtesy to give the person stuck in the middle seat both armrests. If you are jammed between two people and you can’t rest your head on the window or angle your feet towards the aisle, the only thing you have going for you is the two armrests. Be the bigger person and just give up one of your armrests for the poor person in the middle. Always remember that if you were sitting in the middle seat you wouldn’t want to be scrunched up with your hands in your lap, so do the right thing and give the person in the middle both armrests.

Another rule of airplane etiquette is minding your own business. If the person next to you is reading a book, watching a movie or trying to get some shut eye, do not strike up a conversation with them. You might think this is a nice gesture and that there is nothing wrong with getting to know the person next to you, but I am here to tell you that it is wrong and unwanted. People don’t tend to get on a plane to learn about their neighbor, they get on a plane to get to their destination and get off the plane as quickly as possible. Do everyone a favor and just keep to yourself and leave your poor neighbor alone.  

Lastly, I would like you all to remember that sleeping on a plane is 100 percent okay, but resting your head on the stranger’s shoulder next to you is not okay. I know how uncomfortable sleeping on a plane is and the crick in your neck you are destined to wake up with just makes it worse, but it is still unacceptable for your head to fall and stay on your neighbor’s shoulder. If you are planning to take a nap, bring a neck pillow to not only prevent this unwelcomed gesture but also to prevent getting a creek in your neck. If you want to wake up from a nap feeling well rested while your neighbor is happily watching a movie or reading a book and didn’t get interrupted by you using their shoulder as a pillow, then I highly recommend investing in a neck pillow or drinking a lot of coffee before your flight.

These are just a few rules of airplane etiquette that should never be forgotten. Remember people, lead by example and always follow your airplane etiquette.

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