The pretty way to plan your life

If you’ve never heard of a bullet journal, it’s basically an all-in-one calendar, planner, diary and doodle notebook. The journal has become increasingly popular over the years. People have made many videos on how to bullet journal, and some YouTubers even make “plan with me” videos that lay out that month’s bullet journal design. Not to mention, the original bullet journal video has amassed over ten million views. Not only are there YouTube videos about bullet journaling, but Ryder Carroll, the bullet journal’s creator, has published a book entitled “The Bullet Journal Method,” which was voted #1 in the New York Time bestseller on  the Graphic Design Pen & Ink category. Carroll’s personal bullet journal design sells for S24.99.

Ryder Carroll, a product designer and author from Brooklyn, New York, created bullet journaling to help him stay focused and organized while combating his ADD, which often made him unfocused. On the bullet journaling official website, Carroll states that the bullet journal is really all about learning and focusing on the “art of intentional living.” Part of bullet journaling’s purpose is to make sure that journalists’ intentional lives are “productive and meaningful.”

Bullet journaling officially launched in 2013 and has since gained thousands and thousands of followers. With the success of the journal, its design and aesthetic have become prettier and funner. However, Carroll’s original methods and system are still used.

One simple reason explains why this type of journal is such a hit: it is completely customizable. It’s entirely up to the creator how the journal looks and what its layout is. The journal typically includes an index or a table of contents, a log for upcoming events or tasks and daily and monthly calendars for a more broken down layout. However, these features don’t absolutely have to be included in the journal. Carroll created the journal to be useful for every part of project management: brainstorming, how it gets done and what you want the outcome to be. Writing a mission statement or an objective at the top of your collection page is a great reminder of your main goal. The journal ensures an organized and helpful way to stay on track and maintain and achieve.

Overall, the bullet journal is a great way to stay organized if you find that traditional ways don’t help you or if you just want something pretty to be part of planning out your month.

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