Should I Block My Boss on Instagram?

As social media continues to advance, it is slowly altering our culture by changing the way we communicate and interact with others. It is now possible for everyone to know everyone. You can become friends with total strangers on social media over the simple commonality of liking pineapple on your pizza. You can also find your tinder dates on social media and research if they ARE truly vegan just like their profile says. On the other hand, your potential boss can also find you on social media. If you don’t portray yourself well online, then you may not get that dream job with the good benefits. Or if you already have the job,  you may get fired because you decided to post pictures from your night out, right after you just called out sick. So, it is important to create an image of yourself that will be liked by your peers and your employer.

In the past, recruiters would primarily focus on your resume to evaluate whether you were qualified for the job. Therefore, if you looked good on paper, then you had high chances of getting the job. Times have changed; you can’t just look good on paper anymore. Spending hours going through the same 13 pictures, trying to find the perfect one to post on Instagram, may just be worth it. Social media has become another form of a resume. In some fields of work, social media may hold equal or higher value in comparison to a resume. For example, in the beauty and fashion industry, you may have your Instagram dedicated to just your work. In this instance, they typically use their Instagram accounts like an additional portfolio, so including your social media presence would be very beneficial on your resume. Another popular social media platform dedicated to creating your professional identity is LinkedIn. It also works similarly to a portfolio and resume. It’s great at helping you network and applying for jobs. For this reason, you should tailor your social media to fit your profession.

Inappropriate social media posts have ruined the careers of many celebrities and politicians. It can also ruin your career or a potential career. You should be cautious of what you post on social media. If you aren’t sure about how appropriate your social media is, then do a quick review of your posts. If you come across something that may be deemed inappropriate, then remove it. This also goes for captions, not just photos. Also, don’t post any negative comments about your job or coworkers because this can result in some negative consequences. Remember, social media has become so vital to the job recruiting process that, according to a poll by, 92% of companies use social media has a contributing factor in selecting an employee. Lastly, if you want to post pictures from your night out, just make sure to take the selfies before pregame.

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