Shark Speak: As a college student, how do you feel about privileged parents buying their child’s way into school?

“It’s a little disappointing honestly, to see how celebrities and people with the money and the influence can still do it—it’s kind of sad.” Nathan Lapaix, freshman neuroscience major









“I think that it’s unfair. For us normal people, we actually work hard to get into school and there’s not a way for us to pay our way into [college]. We’re working hard to get into school so why should they be able to pay their way into it?”  said Anisa Scott, junior human services administration major








“It’s unacceptable. Standardized tests are made for everyone to have a common ground to study and be treated as equals. Just because you’re privileged does not mean that you have the right to go to a prestigious college.” said Joseph Puthentharayil, sophomore biology major








“It takes away the spot from students who deserve it, people who’ve worked really hard to get into college. If people are just buying their way in, it kind of just ruins the whole [college acceptance] system.” Anum Sameer, sophomore biology major








“I don’t come from a wealthy family and I had to work hard to receive scholarships– I’m glad I was rewarded. At NSU I don’t really see people buying their way in because I feel it’s competitive and students are here because they earned their way in.” said Gerald Thompson, senior marine biology major, senior

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