Get to Networking

The dates for NSU’s Levan Ambassadors Board monthly breakfasts have been announced and can be found on Handshake. The breakfasts provide an opportunity for students to connect with senior-level professionals who are members of the Levan Ambassadors Board. The aim of the events is to expose students to C-suite level executives who are connected to the university and, in a group setting, broaden their skill sets. Through the events, students have the opportunity to reflect on their intended professions as well as their life after NSU. 


After registering, students are to inform their career advisor of their major and professional interests in order to be paired with a member of the Levan Ambassadors Board. Upon attendance, students will check-in, grab breakfast and mingle. Afterwards, the actual meeting begins and will include two faculty speakers who present their personal research and share about their career path. According to Meagan Jones, assistant director of Career Advising, “At the beginning, they have an opportunity to sit with their host, ideally hoping that host talks about how they got through their field and the path they took to get to where they are now. After the breakfast, we hope that students have a shadowing opportunity based on the rapport created [during the event].” 


When asked about the Levan Ambassadors Board itself, Isabella Soublette, assistant director of the Susie and Alan B. Levan Ambassador and Fellow Society, explained that the ambassadors themselves “Are connected with the university in some way. They are philanthropists really looking to further NSU, whether it be through education, healthcare or all the different things NSU has to offer.” The event encourages students to establish connections and build networks during their years at NSU as well as after graduation. 


“With our NSU sharks, we really want them to have an opportunity to be competitive in their field, so if they can make that first connection point with a host who has already established this rigor and amazing opportunity in their field, we really want out students to be able to learn [that] you have to know how to communicate,” mentioned Jones. 


Before students can attend any of the breakfasts, they must first meet with their career advisor to learn more about the Ambassadors Board and the breakfasts as a whole. “We want to make sure they research the host that they are matched with, are in business professional attire and really understand what the professional development opportunity is,” explained Jones. Students will also discuss and learn from their career advisor follow-up opportunities attached to these events. 


Each month, there is a breakfast meeting for students to attend, running until May. The breakfasts’ locations will also be changing each month, taking place in different areas around campus. If a student is interested in attending, they should reach out to their career advisor and RSVP for the date they would like to attend on Handshake. Only four students are able to attend each event, so be sure to register and get to networking!

Photo: M. Meyer

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