NSU’s annual film series, The Reel, hosted by the department of literature and modern languages in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and partnered with First-Year Experience, is coming back for the winter 2020 semester.
The event was started a year and a half ago and presents three movies per semester. Last week, The Reel started off with the Jan. 15 showing of “Todos lo Saben” directed by Asghar Farhadi.
Kate Waites, a professor of English and gender studies, emphasizes that while it is hosted by faculty, it is not a class.
“It gets you thinking, and it’s fun, and a night off from studying. It’s a little bit different from seeing a movie in a theater, but we have free food involved, so that’s definitely a draw.”
Waites explained that the event is also a way to bring a sense of community to students who may not be able to drive off-campus and explore.
“This is a more organized, formalized way to try to bring the community together. Students, professors, alumni, the public… we can bring the community together through a common experience, which is watching a film. It’s a nice sharing of a cultural event that we are doing and hope to continue doing,” she said.
The goal of the event is to bring a fun and informative experience to students on campus so that they can participate in their local community.
“It’s nice comradery. People have some food, they sit down and relax for a while, and then they have an interesting and fun conversation afterward.” Waites said.
Aileen Farrar, an assistant professor for the department of literature and modern languages, added that the discussions held after the film are a way for students to express their ideas and opinions without being judged or graded. “We want people to be able to come together and enjoy a film, but also have a safe and fun way to practice critical and analytical skills. These are skills that contribute to your participation in politics or everyday conversations with friends and family. It’s part of who you are because obviously how you think is part of who you are and this provides a space to express that.”
Farrar said that she and Waites felt that there was a need for a film series that went all year long. “We wanted something that could speak to a couple of different genres, cultures and audiences throughout the year so that we could bring the campus community together.”
NSU’s has different groups and organizations that host film showings. However, The Reel is the first to run throughout the entire year. Waites explained that currently Farrar and herself are compiling lists of movies as a way to choose what is shown and they are always open to suggestions.
“If students think something is a good film, they need to email us and let us know and we’ll try to put it on the docket for next time around,” Waites said.
NSU’s The Reel will be running throughout the winter semester with two more movie showings: “Black Panther” on Feb. 5 from 6 – 9 p.m. and “Mad Max: Fury Road” on March 18 from 6 – 9 p.m. All showings will be in the auditorium on the second floor of Mailman-Hollywood. The event is free and open to all students, staff, alumni and members of the public.