Republicans love throwing around the word socialist like they know what it means. To be completely honest, I have lost count of how many times my extremely conservative father has called me a socialist for thinking that maybe people should not die because they cannot afford health care. Is not letting people die from reasons that are, in most cases, easily fixed by modern medicine really that radical of an idea? Does being a caring and empathic human being really make you a scary far-left radical? If you answered yes to either of those questions, I have one more question to ask you… Are you okay? Really, are you?
There is not a socialist revolution happening in the United States. What we do have is an increasingly authoritarian and radicalizing conservative regime. Those on the right praise and try to normalize white supremacists and Nazis. While the politicians that they claim are socialists are barely left of the center of the political spectrum, and the ones they are far left radicals—such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren—are now near being far left, their policies are more in line with moderate liberal ideals. Remember that gen Z started the #SettleForBiden, we can go a lot further left. Can the Republicans go further then nationalism and overt racism? I’d like to hope not, but in 2020 hope is a scarce commodity.