It almost seems impossible to say we are gearing towards the new year when it feels as if this year started yesterday, am I right? Although this year has come with many challenges, one thing has still stayed relatively the same: choosing your ideal classes for the winter semester.
If you have not checked your Sharkmail recently, the Office of Innovation and Information Technology (OIIT) has sent out an email showing NSU students the updates regarding the registration process, personalized student profiles and a financial aid checklist.
As a freshman, choosing classes was a very stressful time for me. Making sure that I’m on the right path towards my major and doing all I can to get involved on campus has been hectic, especially now.
During the spring before the first semester, I met with my academic advisor to choose my classes. As I received assistance choosing my courses step-by-step, I was informed on how to choose my classes independently throughout the rest of my time here at NSU. The thought of choosing classes never really crossed my mind, which I’m sure many of you can agree with if it isn’t registration season.
As time led up to choosing my classes for the winter semester, I made sure to use all the possible resources to make this process easier. Throughout the fall semester, I continued to hear how fast classes fill up and how being prepared should be my number one priority. Although hearing this sent me into a panic, I decided to use this as fuel to make sure I was ready for registration time. When I received the email from OIIT informing me of the changes made to the new registration system, I felt uneasy. I didn’t think I would be able to get familiar with the new system in time for registration since the old system took me long enough.
I went into the new registration process with an open mind, hoping to learn quickly since registration day was approaching swiftly. I played around with the student center and I instantly caught on. As I logged into my SharkLink, my hands were shaking and my heart was racing. It was 11:55 p.m. and I was ready to get a start on registration. Once registration opened, my website crashed and I tried to keep my composure. Through all the trial and error, I ended up with all the classes I hoped for. The stress and patience were all worth it.