Enhance your education

If there is one thing to be learned from last year, it is that technology has become an essential part of education in the modern world. As such, as students, it is critical to use the technology around us to our advantage and help support our academic careers. Technology can help in a plethora of areas, whether it be in organization, reminders or tutoring. Here are some helpful websites and apps for those who want to up their educational experience and utilize technology.



Whether you love it or hate it, it looks like Zoom will not be going anywhere anytime soon. Students have the option to attend a variety of courses via the BlendFlexmodel once again, and as such, it is essential that Zoom is downloaded on your personal computer or phone. While other educational institutes may use different meeting platforms, Zoom is the primary platform here at NSU. 


Canvas app

While this one may seem obvious, there are a handful of students out there without the Canvas app. Canvas is the system professors at NSU use to communicate with students, assign homework, projects and exams and host discussions outside of the classroom. Super easy to use and a lifesaver in stressful situations, this app allows you to do anything like on the traditional website. Whether you are on the run or simply too lazy to get out of bed, this app can let you access the benefits of Canvas at your fingertips. Additionally, due to professors being more in touch with technology in the past year, Canvas is being used now more than ever. If you have the app downloaded on your phone, you may not even need a separate schedule for all your academic work. 


Microsoft Teams

Every member of NSU has a Microsoft office account attached to their email, and as such, you have the access to all the platforms that Microsoft Office entails. One important platform offered is Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams works as an all-in-one platform for groups or organizations to not only upload documents, but to communicate and meet virtually. Imagine if Zoom and Google Drive had a baby. If you are looking to boost your organization’s meetings or just make gathering a little easier, consider using Microsoft Teams, which can be downloaded to your computer or accessed online. 


Mathway, Chegg, Slader, etc.

These tutoring websites can be grade savers when it comes to certain classes. Some websites and apps require a subscription while others are totally free. These sites can work through tough practice problems with you and help increase your understanding of a topic. 



This one comes in both website and app form and is essential to studying for classes. With Quizlet, you can create flashcards without having to physically go through hundreds of paper index cards. Quizlet also lets you see study sets from other people, so you can supplement your studying with people learning the same topic. A fun note about Quizlet is that it also has games to help you study, which can be a good way to relax while studying and still learning.



A true essential for college life, GroupMe acts as a texting app that connects people in group chats without having to worry about cross-compatibility between different phones. Returning students know how essential this app is, and new students will soon learn. With GroupMe, there is a form of direct and easy communication within all your important academic groups. Sooner or later, you will be a part of some group and be asked to join their GroupMe. So, get a head start and download it now. 


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