Shark speak: How do you feel about the updated mask policy at NSU? 

How do you feel about the updated mask policy at NSU? 


“I feel that it should not have been updated. I see it as they’re using it as percentage-wise to try to enforce and support their ideas for changing it, but if there’s still like two thousand to three thousand cases a day in Florida, then think about just one class. One class is like three or four thousand people, so in four to eight days we could all be infected if we went by that logic. I feel like it would be fine if we were still social distancing, but now people are all crowded together too,” said Adam Sumika, senior marketing major. 

“I feel like it shouldn’t have been put into place, because even though we’re progressing the reason why we’re progressing is because of the mask mandate. Taking it away kind of sets up back when we’re not even really at a good vaccination rate,” said Leah Balakrishnan, senior psychology major. 

“I do like the fact that since so many more people are vaccinated, I guess it is a little bit better and safer now that our vaccinated rate is at least 70%. I also think it’s still good that we wear them in classrooms,” said O’Neill Chohan, a freshman exercise science major. 

“It doesn’t make sense to wear the mask only in class. Whereas, when you’re out in public and no one is wearing the mask, it kind of feels like it’s contradicting each other,” said Neda Rango, a senior psychology major.  

“Of course, like for us, it’s more convenient since I know everyone is really done with masks at this point. I just hope nothing bad comes out of it, like all of a sudden the numbers spike or anything. I’m definitely happy to see this change though, it’s nice to see some normalcy around here,” said Levya [redacted], a junior speech pathology major.  

“I feel like it’s a little more lenient now so we don’t have to wear it everywhere, like in the UC. It’s good that we wear it in classrooms because we’re near our classmates, so I do like the updated mask policy,” said Prev Patel, a freshman biology major. 

“I feel it’s different, but I also feel like there isn’t a lot of communication going on throughout the school on whether we should wear a mask or not and where to wear one. I still feel like they themselves are undecided about it. I feel better about it, but then there’s other people who I see coughing and sneezing and then I’m like, oh, maybe I should put it on. I still need a booster vaccine, so we’ll see how it ends up,” said Tessa Torres, a senior speech pathology major. 

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