International tidings – 10/19

North Korean site claims Netflix series “squid games” is an accurate depiction of South Korean society 

A North Korean propaganda website released an article claiming that the Netflix series “Squid Games” is a representation of South Koreas corrupt society. Squid Games is a series that represents a dystopian society and has won the title of “Netflix most watched series”. According to NBC News, the North Korean site stated the series exposes that South Korea is “infested by the rules of survival of the fittest, corruption and immorality.” The show features around 400 citizens who are in substantial debt, participating in games in which the loser is killed for the entertainment of the rich. The article also made claims that South Korea’s humanity is destroyed. 

Taiwan building fire leaves 46 killed 

A building fire in Tiwan left 46 people dead and 41 injured. The city Kaohsiung was left distraught after a 13-story building burst into flames and smoke at 3 a.m. According to NBC News the building was around 40-years-old and many of its residents were elderly citizens. United Daily News reported that it was only last month that fire extinguishers were installed, however only three were installed per floor as that was all that could be afforded. NBC News also stated that the fire department described the fire as “extremely fierce”. 

Guatemala City protesters attempt to remove Christopher Colombus statue 

In Guatemala City protesters attempted to tear down statue of Christopher Colombus in protest of the treatment of indigenous people by European colonizers. According to NBC News many gathered around the statue and covered it in rope while attempting to tear it down. The 30-foot, 10-ton monument was unable to be destroyed. The protesters did, however, successfully behead the statue of the former president of Guatemala, Jose María Reina Barrios. 

Mexican and US shared boarder is to be opened after a year of pandemic restrictions 

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador supported the U.S. decision to open their shared board to fully vaccinated legal travelers. President Lopez stated at a press conference, “The opening of the northern border has been achieved. We are going to have normality in our northern border.” This happened after over a year of pandemic restrictions. Marcelo Ebrard, Mexican Foreign Minister, discussed that reopening the boarder will happen with a push to aid economic activity in the frontier region. The Minister also stated that Mexico had been pushing the U.S. to make this decision after laying out several different proposals.  

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