Futurition: a beginning for senior art majors

The Futurition art exhibit, which features the artwork of five graduating senior art majors, is on display until April 18 in the Performance Theatre Lobby in the Don Taft University Center.

The exhibit is part of the senior project course, a requirement for all art majors, and features the work of Samantha Manuel, Eliana Monaco, Fraser Poorman, Kate Allen and Kristen Ghandour.

Each student was required to suggest a theme for the exhibition. They then voted on futurition, which means “the state or condition of being about to exist.”

Ghandour said that she and her classmates selected the theme because they can relate to it.

“It has to do with something ending and something beginning,” Ghandour said. “That kind of describes all of us because we are all ending our college careers and starting something new, whether it’s graduate school or art school or a career in our field.”

For the class, students brought in all the artwork they worked on since their start at NSU, from previous classes or from outside of class. They then developed their early pieces for the exhibit.

All five students designed flyers based on the concept of futurition. Allen designed a flyer featuring five silhouettes that resemble the artists. The silhouettes are also attached to the vertical windows on the first floor of the

Don Taft University Center, facing the exhibit.

Manuel was quite impressed by Allen’s work.

“She found a silhouette that represents each of us. It is pretty to a ‘t’ in looking like us. That’s not me, but it looks like me. It represents each us and our journey,” Manual said.

Tennille Shuster, associate professor in the Division of Performing and Visual Arts in the Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, taught the senior project course this semester. She hopes that many members of the NSU community check out the exhibit and become more aware of the division.

“They should know what’s going on in our wing,” said Shuster. “They should know how vibrant the arts community is here at NSU, and see the kind of talent that’s being generated and how talented our students are that are coming out of the program here.”

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