Art around campus

NSU is successful in many areas: academics, athletics, research, philanthropy and much more. We’re also making quite an impression in the art field as well. Besides owning the Museum of Art Ft. Lauderdale, NSU offers its own breathtaking pieces of art. Here are a few recognized pieces around campus.

Alvin Sherman Library

Title: “Woman in Red Dress”

Artist: Therman Statom

Location: First floor, north side of atrium

“Woman in Red Dress” was given by the Museum of Art Ft. Lauderdale and created by Therman Statom, an internationaly renowned artist known for his notable glass works. Statom often uses images of houses, ladders, chairs and other household items to help make simple objects come to life with bold color and vivacious energy. His work has been exhibited in many famous museums including the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Los Angeles Museum of Art and now the Alvin Sherman Library.


Title: “Withstanding Presence”

Artist: Beverly Pepper

Location: First floor, center of atrium

Standing 12 feet tall and made of French limestone dating over 160 million years, this piece was created by world-renowned sculptor Beverly Pepper. Pepper’s work has been exhibited in several notable galleries throughout the world.


Title: Prayer Wheel

Artist: Hand-forged in India

Location: First floor, south side atrium

Donated by Albert and Beatrice Miniaci, this prayer wheel was blessed by the Dalai Lama during his visit to NSU in 2005. The prayer wheel is used for mystical and religious practices dating all the way back to 400 C.E. Prayer wheels are used to spread spiritual blessing throughout the universe. These wheels also vary in size from pocket sized to grander ones such as the one in the Alvin Sherman Library.


Title: Untitled

Artist: Jun Kaneko

Location: First floor, atrium

This ceramic sculpture created by Japanese artist Jun Kaneko is “Untitled.” The sculpture is part of a series titled “Dango” which means “rounded form.” Kaneko is a Japanese artist whose works can be seen throughout Boston and Connecticut. Donated by Debra and Bud Menin in 2008, the Japanese sculpture adds a special touch to the first floor of the Alvin Sherman Library.

Glass Garden

Title: “The NSU Glass Garden”

Artist: Dale Chihuly

Location:  Second floor

The NSU Glass Garden is part of a series of botanical gardens, designed and created by Dale Chihuly. Chihuly is an internationally renowned artist who has worked for more than 30 years creating exquisite large-scale blown glass works. There are many interpretations of the glass garden, but the correlation between nature with a twist of Chihuly creativity is easy to see.


The Alvin Sherman Library hosts a display of numerous works of art throughout the library. Paintings by Peter Marx, Franck Louissaint, Generlyn Jean and many more can be found on the second and third floors. Also the library host many temporary exhibits throughout the year, including the annual African Presence Art Exhibition.


Carl DeSantis Building


Title: “Amaguk, Keeper of the Wisdom”

Artist: Marie Barbera

Location: Dr. Williams S. Spears Atrium

This piece was commissioned by the late Paul (Doc) Hershey founder of the Center for Leadership Studies. Hershey picked this piece because he felt it was a keeper of widsom and that is what NSU embodies. The statue is wearing the “robe of the wolf,” which in many Native American cultures means that a tribe member has demonstrated the “wisdom of the elders.” This piece is rumored to bring good luck to students who rub the tail of the wolf on the statue before finals.


Mailman-Hollywood Building

Title: Tracor P-1

Artist: Jean Ward

Location: In front of Mailman-Hollywood Building

Created by Florida sculpture Jean Ward, this abstract piece of art is on an extended loan from the Museum of Art Ft. Lauderdale, per request of the late Mary McCahill, who served as Chair of NSU’s Board of Trustees.


Don Taft University Center

shark fountain

Title: Shark Fountain

Artist: Kent Ullberg

Location: Don Taft University Center

Created by wildlife sculpture Kent Ullberg, the Shark Fountain has become one of NSU’s most recognizable icons. Representing our courageous mascot, the Shark Fountain was commissioned by NSU’s PAN-Student Government Association and is located at the heart of the campus, in the courtyard of the Don Taft University Center.

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