Leela Mansukhani is a junior environmental studies major who hopes to turn her passion for sustainability into a career. In her biweekly feature in The Current, she’ll offer easy tips for students to live a more sustainable life, many of which she’s learned through friends, family NSU professors and nature documentaries.
Do you ever get anything in the mail with paper that has only been used on one side? At the end of a semester, do you have a lot of notes that you printed one-sided, and that you don’t need anymore? Any time you have paper that has only been used on one side, save it in a pile. Use that paper whenever you need to make a list, take down a phone number, or do anything that doesn’t need to be preserved or neat. You can put them into your printer when you need to print a receipt, coupon, ticket, worksheet or notes. You can also opt to receive bills and statements via email to avoid some of the waste altogether.