Think about why you go to college. Then, think about where you see yourself a year, five years, even 10 years after you finish your undergraduate degree. What were these years all about? One may say, “To expand my education.” Another may say, “To get a degree that leads me to a job,” while someone else may say, “I’m building my credentials to enter a graduate program.” Whatever the reason, during your undergraduate years, you’re building your brand.
Building your brand means you are developing skills, gaining experience and finding ways to prepare yourself for the future. We live in a competitive world, and you will need to build a strong brand to set yourself apart from the pack. Here’s how to do that.
Here are some things to think about:
Career Development. Learn how to create a resume; learn to write cover letters, and experience mock interviews. This will prepare you for your career. Use the Office of Career Development to understand how to be a competitive individual in whatever industry you seek to work. The sooner you understand this concept, the sooner you will learn how to navigate within your field of study.
Out of classroom experiences. Service learning, community engagement and other out-of-classroom experiences will help build your brand. When applying for jobs or graduate school, many employers or admissions counselors want to know what other experiences you have had. Did you shadow a doctor as an undergraduate? Did you go on a service learning trip and learn life skills? These experiences, coupled with your GPA and major, will enhance your brand and can go a long way in getting the job or being accepting into graduate school.
Networking. Have you ever heard the term “It’s not what you know, but who you know?” There may be a kernel of truth to this statement. Go out there and take a risk and meet new people. You can do this in many different ways. Talk to your professors, talk to staff around campus. These professionals can help you take the first step to networking. This will allow you to ask questions, learn from people who have been there and done it already. Networking expands your communication skills. Again, these are things that you can do outside of the classroom, but will allow you to grow as a student.
Building your brand is a concept that every student should start thinking about during their undergraduate years. Completing all the courses, getting the GPA you want and graduating is not enough. You must do more to get where you want to be. Learning how to present your brand will allow you to showcase your talents and achievements.