A college student’s guide to final papers

As a college student, there’s nothing more stressful than taking final exams. An entire semester’s worth of information crammed into one test is a nightmare for any college student. But some final exams don’t consist of the typical multiple choice or short answer questions. Some professors assign final papers to take the place of traditional exams, and coupled with the studying students already have planned, final papers can cause more stress than necessary. However, final papers don’t need to be a stressful endeavor; by following a few simple tips, you can streamline your writing process and finish all of your final papers with ease.
Plan out your paper before you begin writing

Before you sit down and start furiously typing away at your computer, take the time to plan out your paper. Familiarize yourself with the sources you have chosen to use, and ensure that they contribute to your paper in a positive and constructive way. Create a thesis and establish which main points you will be covering in your paper before you begin the writing process. Planning out your paper ahead of time lets you organize your ideas and decide what information or research will best support your thesis.

Additionally, make sure you fully understand the assignment before you begin writing. If you have any questions, contact your professor before you start working; it’s easier to make edits to an outline than a partially completed paper. Planning ahead will making starting your paper must less stressful and time-consuming.

Keep your browser free of distractions

The Internet is one of the most useful tools for writing both research papers and essays. But as useful as the Internet can be, it can also be very distracting. Writing a paper can be a tedious task when you’re constantly tempted to check Facebook or watch a video on YouTube. Avoid distracting websites while you’re trying to write a paper, and only open tabs that have information that is relevant to your topic. You can reward yourself with a quick social media break after you’ve completed a portion of your paper, but, otherwise, keep your internet browser distraction-free to create a productive writing environment on your computer.

Take frequent breaks
Don’t try to write your entire paper in one sitting; cramming an entire paper into the span of a few hours will only create more stress. Taking short, frequent breaks will help you stay focused and will allow you to work on your paper longer. Set small goals for yourself when writing, and take a break once you’ve reached those goals. You can set your goals for a certain time period or in terms of word count.

When taking breaks, try to avoid doing other tasks on the computer; give your eyes a break from looking at the computer screen, and do another activity, such as stretching or taking a short walk. Be sure to keep your break brief, though, because stepping away from your paper for too long could cause you to lose focus or motivation.


There’s nothing more tempting than finishing a paper and hitting submit right away, not giving your work a second thought. But proofreading is an integral part of the writing process, and reading through your work once or twice can help you avoid careless mistakes, such as spelling or formatting errors. After writing each paragraph, read your work aloud to ensure that all of your sentences are coherent and flow well. Proofreading your work periodically will allow you to correct mistakes and avoid needlessly losing points on your paper.

Final papers may seem intimidating and can be a major source of stress for many students, but adding a few simple steps to your writing process can make academic writing a breeze. So don’t let final papers make you panic during exam week ― remember these tips, and you’ll be sure to finish the semester with a stronger paper.

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