Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love the creepy and fun atmosphere. The lore that surrounds it is fascinating. Haunted houses, scary costumes, and horror movies are the hallmarks of Halloween. It’s meant to scare you.
However, Halloween has become a time when, for one night, women can dress like Jezebel. People can see more exposed breasts on this one night than a mammogram machine scans in a year.
Two years ago, I dressed up as a nurse for Halloween. It was a “regular” nurse costume. It went past my knees and showed no cleavage. But everyone kept referring to it as a “slutty” nurse costume.
Don’t get me wrong, dressing sexy for Halloween is fun. But there’s a thin line between sexy and sleazy. Ladies, if it takes more than one person to get you into your costume, it’s time to rethink the size or style. Underwear is to be worn under something. Since when does Minnie Mouse wear a thong? It might be cute to have “Sinner” written on your panties, but I don’t want to have to read it. Although, guys might appreciate the advertisement.
Ladies, if you’ve ever watched a scary movie, it’s the scantily-dressed femmes who get picked off first. Little Red Riding Hood could not run away from the Big Bad Wolf in 9-inch heels. So, this Halloween, eat, drink, and be merry. And if you choose to dress in a skimpy costume, watch out for the guy with the hook in the dark alley.