On the Bench: Time in for The Current’s sports section-Meet out new sports editor


Name: Jasmine Lykins

Major: History

Minor: Legal Studies

Year: Transfer, junior

Career Plans: Who knows? Possibly Journalism.Possibly Law. Possibly Anything. I’m one of those students who decides on a different career every two months.

I am your new Sports Editor. I am may not be an over-zealous sports buff who can quote the stats of every player in every season of every game and I watched an entire Super Bowl for the first time in my life this year. (It was surprisingly almost as interesting as the commercials.)

But, I did play fast pitch softball for a local league in my hometown.  I am certified to teach swimming through the Red Cross, and although I never swam competitively, I was raised in the world of competitive swimming.

Essentially, I appreciate good, clean, competitive sports and athletes who are constantly striving for excellence in their game.

Also, I do know about writing for newspapers. I served two and a half years on staff with Lake-Sumter Community College’s student newspaper, The Angler, in the positions of Reporter, Online Editor, and Editor-in-Chief.

As the Sports Editor for The Current, I have two goals:

1. To  revamp the Sports section of this newspaper and turn its focus toward athletics directly related to the Nova Southeastern University community with the hopes of interesting you, the readers.

2. To learn more about the sports industry: the teams, the players, and, most importantly, the games.

Earl Warren was quoted in Sports Illustrated in 1968 saying, “I always turn to the sports section first.  The sports section records people’s accomplishments; the front page, nothing but man’s failures.”

Now I am not suggesting that when reading this newspaper, you ignore the front page or any other section and skip right to the Sports section. But I do hope you are compelled to read the sports articles that are teaching me to appreciate the industry of sports for what it is — the record of the “accomplishments” of men and women.

Get involved in your sports news. I am always open to suggestions and recommendations. If you have story ideas or would like to see more (or less) of something in this section, please contact me with your concerns.

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