Care for your car

Our car goes everywhere with us, almost as if it is our right-hand man. It takes us to those 8 a.m. classes, back to our house and everywhere in between. With that, it is often common to forget about the upkeep of having a car when you are busy or far away from home.

Many college students can recall a time when their oil change or tire pressure was taken care of by someone else. Leaving for college or becoming more independent leaves these major tasks to you. Whether it is your first time going to a body shop to get an oil change or not, it is essential to stay up to date with your car’s needed “appointments.”

Although it may be easy to leave an oil change for later or put off checking the tire pressure of your car after your 8 a.m. class, it may not end up happening. If you’re planning on driving home for the holidays, putting off these significant tasks not only damages your car, but in the end, can affect your holiday season. Here are many ways to keep your “right-hand man” in good condition.

Get that oil change you have been putting off for months

How long can you go without getting an oil change? There are about two million results on Google with answers as to how long a car can last without getting an oil change. Many mechanics advise you to bring your car in when an oil change is alerted on your dashboard. Getting this done on time can prevent more money wasted on other parts of your car that may be impacted by procrastinating an oil change.

According to Car Talk, “Changing your vehicle’s oil is one of the most important things you can do to avoid bringing large bags of money to your mechanic later on.”

Make sure to check the windshield wiper blades frequently

It is common for it to rain in South Florida, and sometimes, it almost feels as if it never stops. Checking the windshield wipers on your car will prevent you from risking an accident if it’s raining and your wipers are not cleaning off the rain as you drive.

Check your tires

It is common for tires to lose their grip. Once this occurs, it’s easy for your car to skid across roads when it’s raining outside. Although tires might be a little more on the expensive side, spending money on new or used tires before it is too late is what counts.

There are many ways to stay up to date with car maintenance as a college student. Whether you’re far away from home or becoming more independent, your car is something that’s with you all the time — that’s why it’s important to stay up to date with its needs.

Below is a maintenance checklist that’s very helpful for those who are not familiar with car needs.


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