I’m worried about our future

With the COVID-19 pandemic came a plethora of things to worry about regarding the short-term and long-term effects of this virus. However, there is one topic that has been on my mind as a semi-overachieving college student: grad school. 


Listen, I knew before the pandemic hit that grad school would be hard to get into no matter what, but with this pandemic lasting as long as it has, I am seriously worried not only about my future, but the future of many of my peers who are also attempting to further their education.


Browsing through the grad cafe website, among my own personal research, one core similarity among those who got accepted into institutions is having some sort of shadowing, internship or observation listed on their resume. 


Normally, I would be on top of the game trying to pick which opportunity I want to take advantage of in order to bump up my resume, but that avenue has dried up worse than the Sahara. 


In general, companies and organizations are not offering these positions anymore, and rightfully so. Why would a group risk having more people involved than precisely necessary? 


All I am saying is that, if I do not find some opportunity to give a little sparkle to my resume, then I am going to be extremely worried about my chances of getting into grad school, and I know a handful of my peers feel the same way. 


Even when this pandemic seems like a thing of the past, it will still be just time wasted instead of excelling in my career. If any grad schools’ admissions boards are reading this, please go easy on us.

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