Soundbite: “Neptune” by Gallant

Christopher Joseph Gallant III, also known as Gallant, is an American R&B singer-songwriter. Gallant’s music is defined by his experimental blending of alternative and contemporary sounds with a classic R&B feel. On March 26 Gallant released “Neptune,” his newest EP and his seventh studio project. “Neptune” consists of eight songs which each explore a different facet of a failing “on again, off again” romance. 


The opening track “Comeback.” introduces this character of a toxic ex-boyfriend. The lyrics display the faulty thought process of a toxic ex. He offers up a shallow, downplayed acknowledgement of any wrongdoing on his part as he gives an account of the relationship’s end. He goes on to frame himself as being gracious enough to be willing to accept his partner back once they come to their senses. The track has a sound that’s very reminiscent of 90’s R&B anthems which makes it an instant favorite for me despite the less than healthy lyrics. 


“Dynamite.” which features R&B legend Brandy is my next most listened to song on the EP. The warmth of the vocals and the melodic notes of the piano beautifully contrast the turbulent message of the song. In the chorus lines, “If we gave up the life, threw it all aside, wouldn’t that be nice?” both halves of the pair lament about the cause of their relationship problems, and consider throwing logic to the wind and staying together despite knowing that it’s futile.  


“Julie.” shows Gallant’s character at his most desperate. He pours his heart out to his newly lost love, Julie, as he pleads for her to stay and promises to change his ways. The EP’s departure into a more funky, psychedelic sound with this track feels fitting once he mentions that he no longer has Julie as an anchor to snap him out of his hallucinations. As it comes to a close we hear a voice scream out “It’s happening, it’s happening!” 


With the almost delirious sounding transition from “Julie.” into “Third Eye Blind.” the final lines of the previous song appear to be Gallant coming to the realization that he’s actually lost the love of his life. The lyrics of “Third Eye Blind.” are all about him, in a moment of clarity, realizing that his own invulnerability and fear of commitment cost him happiness and that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win back her love. 


The closing track “Relapse” details the feeling of giving into the temptation of loneliness and finding yourself back in a relationship that’s no good for you. Gallant sings again from the perspective of a toxic partner successfully convincing his love to return to him, even though it means falling back into old habits. Ultimately, he’s still acting selfishly. Though he’s promised to change, he likens their reconnection to a relapse and he knows that her happiness is temporary and this cycle will only continue.  


Overall the story in “Neptune” is a heartbreaking one, with no real gratifying resolution. However, the project is very emblematic of the moody, blues-y musical expression that the R&B genre is known for. The story isn’t meant to be a happy one, and the EP’s sound gives it the atmosphere to tell that story successfully. 

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