This is something that has divided my friend group. Whenever we go see a movie, buy snacks at the grocery store or are looking for a sweet but sour treat, we argue. Sour Patch Kids are a unanimous favorite among us, but we argue endlessly over which type to choose. Like many other candy brands, Sour Patch Kids have many offshoots of their original sweet and sour candy, including ones shaped like tiny watermelon slices. These are my favorite, and I stand strong in my belief that they are the best type of Sour Patch Kids candy.
Unlike the variety packs or classic Sour Patch Kids candies, watermelon Sour Patch Kids are all the same. While yes, this does mean there is less variety, that also means you don’t have to pick through the box for your favorite flavors. You don’t have to worry about not eating the one or two flavors of classic Sour Patch Kids that you don’t like – cough cough, lemon – or being wasteful if you can’t find a friend who will eat the less desirable flavors for you.
When you choose watermelon Sour Patch Kids, you’re getting nothing but sweet and sour watermelon goodness. There’s nothing bad about them, and watermelon seems to be a universally liked flavor, so you could even share them with your friends without arguing over who gets what flavor. Watermelon Sour Patch Kids are superior to all other offshoots of the popular candy brand, and that’s an opinion I’ll always be sweet and never go sour on.