More than meets the eye: The maintenance guy

Behind every face, there’s a story. That was no exception for Harold Duen. NSU’s very own maintenance man, who is stationed in The Commons and completes work orders and fixes furniture. Duen’s career at NSU began in 2013, and ever since then, the opportunity he was given completely changed his life, the students, and staff at NSU.  “They are a great inspiration to me as I am to them, […]

Animals on campus

Many species reside on NSU’s campus, though none more prevalent and controversial than the feral cats. On Aug. 5., NSU’s facilities management sent a message to their employees that, according to the Sun Sentinel, threatened termination for those who fed the cats and did not clean up after the food left out. Some NSU employees talked to the Sun Sentinel, with the animal activists reprimanding NSU for their decision.   Daniel Alfonso, vice president of facilities management at NSU, explained in his email to his employees, […]

NSU Club Spotlight: Burger Club

NSU’s Burger Club was started by student Justin Fisher, his inspiration coming from having burgers with friends at the University Center.  “Originally me and my friends were hanging out eating some burgers in the UC and we didn’t realize we were sitting there for about 3 hours or so, we had people coming in back and forth that we knew, […]

Behind the scenes of landscaping on campus

One of the perks Nova Southeastern University boasts about to new and prospective students is the beautiful scenery on campus. NSU’s campus is lush with many different species of plants and flowers, but who actually decides what landscaping displays go where and what sort of plants to use?  Jeff Heard is the grounds supervisor for the Physical Plant at NSU. Heard explained that multiple teams […]

Gill Out: Fresh Kitchen

Fresh Kitchen is a make-your-own food bowl style restaurant with healthy options for all diets. The restaurant is located on University Drive and, while not within walking distance of NSU’s main campus it is only  five-minutes down the road.    Upon entering the establishment, there is a clear path for patrons to take that wraps around the right side of the seating area and leads to the front of the cafeteria-style area. Along the wall there is […]

Catching up with Cuba

Over the summer, protests took place in the island nation of Cuba. Citizens took to the streets, fighting police and voicing their discontent with the regime. After international attention on Cuba, has anything changed?   Yvette Fuentes Ph.D., a Cuban American professor at NSU who studied Latin American history at University of Miami, said, “The reason why the protests were so successful is because of the […]

How video game communities can create a more inclusive space for women

Over the summer, the state of California filed a civil lawsuit against video game publishing studio Blizzard Entertainment and its owner, Activision-Blizzard. Activision-Blizzard is well known for being the production studio for popular games such as World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Overwatch and more. Each of these games have leagues of fans across the world, and Blizzard Entertainment’s […]

Suicide Prevention and Awareness at NSU

This week is National Suicide Prevention Week. Suicide is a major cause of death in the U.S. and is a topic that many are uncomfortable talking about. By talking about suicide, we can bring awareness to the issue and help others who may be experiencing mental health issues and encourage them to seek help.  “Suicide, for a long time, has been the 10th leading […]

Navigating the realm of bias in media

News is an essential part of any functioning, modern society, and due to the constantly developing world, media surrounds the day-to-day life of most people. As such, it is crucial that individuals pay attention to the media that they consume and where that information comes from.   According to a survey on media use and evaluation by Gallup in 2020, U.S. citizens have […]