Procrastination for Dummies

Every school year, you tell yourself that you will stop waiting until the last minute to do assignments, that you will go out less and study more and, most of all, that you will stop going on Netflix when you should be doing homework. Each term, you have that one friend who manages to conquer […]

Career Corner: Rookie of the Year: How to make the most of your first year in college

Emilio Lorenzo is a Career Adviser in NSU’s Office of Career Development. Emilio understands the importance of helping students reach their career goals and works with all students, including undergraduate, graduate and professional level students, to achieve their professional goals. Emily Tasca is a member of the career advisement team in NSU’s Office of Career Development. […]

How disability-friendly are you, NSU?

My armpits were stamped with bruises; my once-faked injury became a real-life pain; and any confidence I had about getting through a full 24-hours on crutches was stammering. It was only noon, and I was already reexamining my sanity. On Sept. 15, I decided to spend my day on crutches for two reasons. The first […]

 Secret life: Dr. Myron Burns

Most students only get to see one side of their professors—the professional one presented inside the classroom. Secret life is about really getting to know the faculty members of NSU. We want to know more about the individual standing behind the podium or sitting behind the desk. College isn’t just for homework; it’s about getting […]

That Time I … Discovered wigs

About ten months, three hair dyes, 48 perms and three haircuts ago, I decided I wanted to cut my damaged hair off and regrow it in its natural state. As my hairdresser raised the scissors to my head, I shed a tear for my hair as it plummeted to the ground. Surprisingly, the more my […]

Learn a latte about coffee

Besides water, alcohol, soda, juice and tea, coffee is one of the most consumed beverages on the planet. It goes without saying that some people can’t live without it, but do coffee lovers really know that much about it, besides its seemingly loving way of erasing exhaustion, its dark and seductive taste and the numerous […]

DM Sliding 101

College presents promising opportunities to build a relationship with someone. Maybe it’s the girl that sits three people to your left, or someone you met at an NSU event. When you want to get to know that person, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook can be your best friend. Once upon a time, the only way to […]

Post-grad life: Get your foot in the door now

Unfortunately, it’s no longer sufficient to enter the work force brandishing only a diploma with your name. The real world seeks qualified graduates who have a wealth of knowledge, valued skills and, most of all, the ability to hit the ground running. In this respect, a degree by itself is not sufficient to prepare students […]