That Time I … Discovered wigs

About ten months, three hair dyes, 48 perms and three haircuts ago, I decided I wanted to cut my damaged hair off and regrow it in its natural state. As my hairdresser raised the scissors to my head, I shed a tear for my hair as it plummeted to the ground. Surprisingly, the more my […]

That time I … Switched majors 

Jazmyn Brown is a junior English major The Current’s copy editor. She switched majors after one semester as a biology major. She plans to go to grad school for journalism, philosophy, environmental science or all three, pursue a career in conservation and maybe write some novels.  I’ve always had an affinity for science and math, so coming […]

That Time I … Won a car

Lakesha Pierre, junior biology major, was this year’s winner of a free one-year car lease donated by Rick Case Automotive Group at Sharkapalooza. The last event of the annual Week of Welcome is Sharkapalooza, which I usually go to for free t-shirts, food and to sign up for different clubs. However, this year was different. […]

That Time I … Lobbied on Capitol Hill

Erica Rich is a junior legal studies major minoring in philosophy, psychology and international law. She is a pro-Israel activist. In the future, Erica would like to become a criminal prosecutor and move up to being involved in politics. America is the land of opportunity. I never would have thought that I would get the […]

Diary of…A first-generation Haitian-American

Malischa Oge is a senior communication studies major and dance minor. In addition to her studies, she is a member of NSU’s dance team, the Sharkettes, and is a contributing writer for The Current. She hopes her story demonstrates the importance of appreciating one’s own culture and traditions. I am a first generation Haitian-American. Both […]

Diary of… a future dog foster parent

Nicole Cocuy is a sophomore communication studies major and The Current’s Opinions Editor. Outside of school, she spends most of her time training her 5-month-old yorkie Picasso. With her story, she hopes that people understand the importance of adopting dogs, rather than buying them. She also hopes to inspire others to rescue pets. My first […]

Diary of…a rescue diver

Samantha MacCarty is a sophomore double major in marine biology and communication studies. When she’s not busy studying, she likes going to the beach and hanging out with friends. She hopes her story shows readers that they have the ability to overcome anything and become stronger and succeed despite difficult obstacles. Scuba diving was always […]

Diary of… a traveler

[slideshow_deploy id=’10383′] Andrew Jones is a junior political science and legal studies double major and the treasurer of NSU’s International Relations Association. With his story, Andrew hopes that people realize that there is a wildly beautiful world around us that deserves to be explored, understood and respected. This summer, three friends and I participated in […]