Food fixes for everyday health problems

We usually assign three qualifications to our food: the food must look good, smell good, and, most important, taste good. But besides satisfying your appetite, food’s nutritional content has the power to correct your body’s imbalances.
The following are some quick food remedies that will nourish your body and give you the energy you need to live a healthy life.

Breakfast Cereal 2

Problem: Emotional

If you find yourself on an emotional roller coaster, make sure to eat breakfast. People who skip breakfast tend to be more tired by midday than those who don’t eat breakfast. They also tend to overeat later in the day or make poor nutrition choices. Skipping breakfast can also make a person moody.

Marilyn Gordon, registered dietician, nutrionist and certified specialist in sports dietetics at NSU, said, “Skipping the first meal of the day can affect the mood because your brain uses glucose as fuel so if someone skips breakfast they are just relying on whatever is in the blood stream at the time or carbohydrates that the body has stored.”

An optimal breakfast should include whole grains. For example, 100 percent whole-grain cereal is a good choice. This will supply the brain with glucose to run on. Also, breakfast should include antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, along with protein, which will satisfy hunger and keep blood sugar levels steady.

Problem Bloating

Problem: Bloating

Retaining too much water or eating foods containing high amounts of sulfate — such as red meats, poultry and egg yolks — can quickly lead to a bloated stomach. Bloating may also be a symptom of a sluggish digestive track, caused by a lack of fiber in the diet or a lack of adequate exercise.

Gordon said eating fruits and vegetables prevents the body from retaining water.

“Fruits and vegetables are about 80 percent water so they tend to be more cleansing because of their high water content,” Gordon said. “They also contain fiber which helps sweep out the digestive track and they are also much easier to digest then a heavier meal.”

Problem Trouble Sleeping

Problem: Trouble sleeping

If getting a good night’s sleep seems like an impossible task, then you might want to take a close look at your diet. Eating the right foods in the hours before you turn in may help you fall asleep faster and even improve the quality of your sleep.

“For sleep, things like chamomile tea and warm milk are known to help people relax,” Gordon said.

Chamomile tea is good because it contains theanine, which has been shown to help people sleep better. Dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cheese contain calcium, which is effective in stress reduction and stabilization of nerve fibers. Almonds can also help regulate sleep, as they contain magnesium, which aids in muscle relaxation. Just a tablespoon of almond butter or a serving of almonds can help the body relax. But, it’s vital to eat those almonds at least two hours before going to bed, in order to give the body enough time to properly digest.

Problem Skin Breakout

Problem: Skin breakouts

Certain foods can help diminish your chances of an acne breakout, while also benefiting the rest of your body.

Gordon said that drinking plenty of water and eating fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants is a way to help keep your skin clear. The sulfur in onions, leeks, and scallions helps produce a detoxifying molecule called glutathione, which can lower the inflammation that leads to acne.

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