Discover the outdoors and Florida’s natural areas

Florida’s geographical location, climate and geology make this state unlike any other. Its peninsular shape along the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico make for the longest coastline in the 48 contiguous states. Its semi-tropical climate allows it to have a diverse array of flora and fauna — some seen nowhere else in the world. The mostly low, flat terrain and absorbent, water-retaining limestone bedrock make this state rich in valuable water resources above and below ground.

Recreational sports offer health benefits

A person doesn’t have to be a musician to enjoy music and a person doesn’t have to be an athlete to enjoy playing sports. Sports aren’t limited to superstars like Michael Phelps or Shaun White and even people who aren’t athletically gifted can play sports for social and health benefits. Omar Pimentel-Gonzalez, first-year law student, […]