The best dates to date

By Rachael Hirstein

Flowers, chocolates and a fancy dinner are nice on Valentine’s Day, but doing the same thing year after year can become boring. Spice up the upcoming holiday by adding a little creativity and flare to your dates. Here are some ideas to give a little inspiration for the day of love.

“Pin” a trip

Print out a map of the town or area you live in, throw a pin or two at it and see where they land. Take your significant other on a walk, bike ride or drive, depending on the distance, to the area and just spend the day enjoying the adventure. The fun is in the mystery of where you could possibly go.

Cloud watch, stargaze or watch the sun rise and set

Spend the day with your valentine from start to finish by spending the day laying on a blanket watching the clouds roll by and then searching the sky for constellations. You can also start the day with your love by getting up to watch the sunrise together and then end it together by watching it set.

Have a game night

Pull out “Dance Dance Revolution,” “The Game of Life” and “Twister” and have a night full of fun and games. Make some snacks and put some pajamas on for a relaxing carefree time. Compete against each other to see who can win the most games by the end of the night.

Make a meal together

Break out the eggs and bacon or prepare a dinner fit for two and cook together. You can use a website, a family recipe or a cooking show, and cook each of your favorite dishes or try something new. You can even go the full nine yards and make your home look like a romantic bistro by adding candles and some Italian music in the background.

Bake together

Put you and your significant other’s baking skills to the test and have a friendly bake-off. Make yourselves bunches of simple cookies, brownies and cupcakes, or better yet, pull out Pinterest and see who makes the most creative cupcakes or who has the biggest Pinterest fail.

These are just some of the many different ways to spend this Valentine’s Day or, really, any day with your significant other. Try your hand at some of these neat little dates and make your lover’s day memorable.

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