Editorial: Rihanna “likes the way it hurts.” Do you?

Millions of men want to have sex with Megan Fox. Seeing her half-naked and half-way there is another fantasy.

Thanks to Eminem and Rihanna’s video for “Love the Way You Lie,” they can get both. But, at what cost?

The “Love the Way You Lie” video proves that the song is about more than sex. And, it’s about more than domestic violence. This is about a message. And, the message here is that domestic violence is sexy. It’s disturbing enough to watch an abusive couple beat and screw each other until their fiery deaths—never mind watching and listening to an actual victim of domestic violence sing about how much she likes it.

The video goes directly from the male character punching a wall to the couple dry humping against it. Eminem and Rihanna have claimed that the message is that it’s not okay to hit a woman. But, that particular message is lost when hotty Fox grinds up against the very man who punches a hole in the wall – with his other arm pressed against her throat.

Dried plaster cutting a woman’s face and cutting off her oxygen is not foreplay. It’s not a turn-on. It’s dangerous. Not since the old adage “boys will be boys” and “no really means yes”, has such a confusing and damaging message been sent.

One of the most disturbing lines is Eminem’s sweet sentiment “if she ever tries to f***ing leave again, I’m gonna tie her to the bed and set this house on fire.” Not only is he telling people you can hit a woman, but he’s giving abusers tips on what to do if she ever tries to get help.

Eminem also coos about pulling hair, scratching, clawing, biting, and throwing down the one he loves. Tell me, Eminem and Rihanna, where exactly is this message that domestic violence is not okay?

And then there is the refrain sung by Rihanna — as she sensually rubs her hands over her lips in her slinky outfit, “I like the way it hurts.” Seriously? These stars are going to put this line in a song and try to convince us that they are not promoting domestic violence?

For a woman who was beaten black and blue by former boyfriend Chris Brown, Rihanna should know better. She knows domestic violence hurts. She knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a fist. And, she knows that the bruises fade, but the scars never do. Yes, the song is written by Eminmen, but man up woman, you are a role model for millions of young girls.

Eminem said that he thought of Rihanna when he wrote this song. Of course he did. Her name, like it or not, is synonymous with domestic violence. And, this makes her participation extremely irresponsible. He said he wrote the song in honor of her. But, this song doesn’t honor anything.

Congratulations, Eminem, on making Rihana a victim for the second time. And, congratulations, Rihana, on singing along.

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