Commuting to school in South Florida has been an eye opening experience. People down here drive crazily. Plain and simple. You can’t let your guard down.
I’m no stranger to hectic driving. I’ve driven in almost every major city across the U.S. But in South Florida, I find myself throwing my hands up in dissatisfaction as I get on an on-ramp, forcing me into a huge jam of cars, or when I have to stop in a mess of cars for a light I can’t even see. I can feel time seeping away from me as I wait for what seems like months until, finally, it’s my turn to move four feet and then start all over again.
Sometimes I wish I lived on campus. Getting stuck in traffic isn’t a daily occurrence. It happens at least once a week to me. But last-minute departures and mistakes can be detrimental to arriving at school on time.
In addition, the opposing force, other drivers, don’t make life any easier on the road. I’ve heard other commuters complain that there isn’t a fast way to school or that if you leave during rush hour, turn around. Ever seen a commuter show up an hour late for class? That is what happens when driving and traveling mistakes are made and some of us can’t afford to make even one.
Traffic jams are tricky things. Many occur due to accidents. However, most of the ones I’ve observed happen from a large chain reaction of people pressing their brakes due to someone way in front, maybe a mile ahead, nearly missing a raccoon on the highway, or spilling his or her café mocha all over his or her lap.
Other times, like near school, there is major construction that has people completely baffled by the road system. People try to merge here like they are taking a test they didn’t study for. They just guess.
My favorite is when I witness drivers looking to their left and realizing, at the last minute, that they aren’t going to make it on to the highway. They won’t fit. Thanks for playing. Try again later.
I would say South Florida ranks pretty high up there as the most frustrating state to commute in. Colorado is hilarious; New England, just use your blinker and you will be OK; the Midwest is a joke; but the south, I’ve found, in general, can be the most hectic.
Most South Florida drivers have never heard of a blinker rule. But they surely try to master talking on two cell phones at the same time, doing 100 mph in the HOV lane and driving with their knees. I have a new driving style since I’ve moved: Do not care about anyone else.
Here in Davie you’ve got to get where you are going. But if you’re a commuter this means that one of the most simplistic of tasks, driving, can turn into a fight to the finish that your education may depend on.