With all the information available to the world today and especially to us college students, it should come as no surprise that eating genetically modified foods is about the equivalent of dining on deodorant.
It may seem like a fad or just something that “all the cool kids are doing,” but eating healthy is the way of the future, and the sooner you embrace this, the better. If you consider the facts on the simplest terms, eating un-organic just doesn’t add up. Foods grown with chemicals keep those chemicals all the way to your dinner plate.
The results of a newly-released study from the Rodals Trials proved, over a 30-year period, that organic farming is far more efficient then chemically-grown vegetables. This study is just the tip of a proverbial “iceberg” that is heralding new farming techniques.
With all the emerging facts, the bottom line from Rodals is that it is far more cost effective to produce healthy goods, and it is also great for the Earth. Conventional farming techniques using chemicals produce 40 percent more greenhouse gasses and use 45 percent more energy than organic farming methods.
With these new organic farms popping up, the stereotypical “poor farmer” is soon to be a thing of the past. The most fascinating figure from the trial is money. With the premium people pay for organic goods, chemical farms don’t stand a chance. Sure, this means that you have to pay a bit more for produce. The price is worth it – just like how paying for better gas means your car runs better. It should come as no surprise that paying for higher quality food is better for you. Supporting organic foods is supporting not only the farmers but the Earth too.
So, get out there and visit your local farmer’s market. Make the trip to Whole Foods. Separate yourself from the grip of the chemical farmers and their disgusting food. Or don’t. Just don’t blame me if you grow an extra arm from eating that cheap tomato.