Pick up your trash and keep our campus beautiful

NSU community, this is your wake-up call. We have, by far, one of the most beautiful campuses in the state and it is being tarnished by lazy community members who leave behind their leftover utensils, dirty plates, crumpled up napkins, empty soda cups and the lists go on. Clean up after yourselves people. You are not children. The staff who do clean the UC are not your parents. They are not there to pick up after every crumb from your pizza crust.

Why you should be skeptical about Kony 2012

I am writing not to thwart the efforts of this movement, but to raise awareness to actually researching something before committing to it. It is really easy to follow the herd and mindlessly join the growing numbers of the “Anti-Kony Campaign.” But if all you did to make an “informed” decision was watch the video—you have some homework to do.

Mass Effect 3: The long awaited trilogy

Mass Effect 3 concludes what’s possibly the best science-fiction trilogy in gaming history. It combines all the elements from the first and second games and still finds ways to improve its formula. For my friends and I, Mass Effect 3 completes the journey we started in 2007 with Mass Effect, which continued in 2009 with the Mass Effect 2.

Watch out for a second winter when “Game of Thrones” returns in April

“Game of Thrones” has the perfect blend of deception, action, romance, comedy, and fantasy. If you’re a fan of historical fiction and awesome British actors, then this show is right up your alley. There are characters we have come to love and characters we despise. Season two is certainly shaping up to be an epic one. All I can say is sit back on your throne and enjoy the show.