NS-You Pride

In light of the recent Harlem shake dance craze, NSU’s Student Events and Activities Board thought it would be cool if we did one on campus as a way to encourage school pride, while supporting our athletes.  I was pretty happy with the turnout and final cut of the video. Kudos to everyone who participated in the video shoot.

But then I started hearing people complain that the event was lame or that all NSU events are boring. I have a problem with that. A school is nothing without its students and, quite frankly, I think NSU has a lot of things going for it — like its various sport teams and numerous clubs and organizations that plan special events. But do we go out to support these events? No, we don’t. We are quick to bash the efforts of those who put time into planning events and then we complain that nothing is going on around campus.

NSU is composed of buildings and lush landscapes — that’s it. We, as students, have the responsibility to shape our university experience. We should think about the legacy that we are leaving behind for future students to follow. If a group hosts an event, you can — and should — provide feedback. That way, student organizations can shape their events to suit the students who attend them.

Whatever the reason may be, we chose to attend this institution and we stayed here. University administrators provide us with a safe, beautiful and modern campus, along with excellent professors and practical opportunities within every academic field. But we have to meet them half way. Of course, there are those cynics and critics who will say that things at NSU aren’t perfect, and they are right. There are many things that could be improved, but we should follow Mahatma Gandhi’s saying, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

If you don’t like what you see, do something about it. Go out to a game one evening with friends. Cheer on our sport teams as they represent our school. Dress in a costume and do the Harlem Shake with your schoolmates. Pick up The Current and read about what is happening on campus. Check out NSU on Pinterest. There is so much to do here, aside from studying to pass that biology class. My wish for each of us is that, when we leave these hallowed halls, we not only have our diplomas in hand, but memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

It’s time for us to not simply say we are Sharks; we must actually be Sharks.

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