The Office of Career Development and the Office of Student Employment will host its annual Student Employment Job Fair on Aug. 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Don Taft University Center Atrium.
Stacey Levy, coordinator of job location and development and special events in the Office of Student Employment, said the goal of the fair is for students to be able to meet more than 25 on-campus employers who are hiring student employees.
“With the technology age, sometimes students lose that personal one-on-one interaction … so this gives them a chance to actually meet with supervisors and learn a little more about the jobs, compared to looking it up online,” Levy said.
Around 500 students a year attend the fair, which is in its fourth year. This year, NSU employers will include the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, the Office of Advancement and Community Relations, the Office of Campus Recreation and NSU’s Fort Lauderdale Museum and Art.
“A lot of our supervisors participate every year,” Levy said. “They love being able to meet the students and interacting with them and getting a list of people who might be interested [in positions].”
Student Employment will have a table set up at the fair to assist students, including letting them know if they are eligible for federal work study, helping them to sign up for the Student Employment Workshop, and introducing them to JobX, Student Employment’s online application program. Students will also be provided with a map of the tables to help them navigate around the fair.
Cindy Jo White, visitor services manager and volunteer and intern coordinator for NSU’s Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art said the fair has a lively atmosphere and is rewarding and vital for the museum as the supervisors get to get to know students and talk to them about the museum.
“It’s a great tool for us,” White said. “It’s a great way for us to be exposed to so many students all at once who are actively looking for work within the federal work-study system.”
White suggested students know their class schedule and the number of hours they can work. If they are interested in working at the museum, they should also know if they are eligible for work study as the museum only hires students with federal work study.
“I say look for a job that you’re going to enjoy being placed in,” White said. “I think that if you’re going to spend your time working on campus or being a part of NSU, it should be doing something that you enjoy.”
Levy said that students should be prepared to talk about themselves and their job experience.
Though there is no formal dress code for the fair, Megan Burns, assistant director of Career Development, said she suggests students who plan to attend wear business casual attire. Students aren’t required to bring a resume, but they should be prepared to talk about themselves.
“These events are always a great opportunity for networking, seeing what’s out there. It helps you practice being able to market yourself,” Burns said. “I recommend that students definitely be prepared to answer questions employers might have regarding their likes or dislikes or strengths and weaknesses.”
Burns said students should also keep in mind that the fair is for quick conversations, not formal interviews. It’s also an opportunity to see what’s available.
“Don’t be afraid to engage with a handful of employers,” Burns said. “You never know what’s going to be out there.”
The event is also part of the Week of Welcome, a week of events that welcome students back at the beginning of the semester. Burns said that the office collaborates with the Office of Student Activities to make the event part of the week. When students check into the fair and other Week of Welcome events, they will be entered into a drawing to win free roundtrip domestic airline tickets at Sharkapalooza.
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